While legacy design tools function as standalone aids for a specific engineering discipline, modern CAE tools facilitate unprecedented integration, allowing engineering disciplines to work concurrently and collabor atively rather than separately. It also allows data to be cross-referenced within and across disciplines, so electrical, fluid and process control engineers can share data with their colleagues locally or remotely.
In addition, CAE software can effortlessly convert project documentation in minutes to the language that customers, vendors and subcontractors require, and export it in one of many common file formats. This high level of integration is one of the main reasons that advanced CAE products are proving to be a catalyst in the relationship between electrical engineering and other project stakeholders.
See electrical v7r1 29
Another 1,8 volt serial signal. RS-232 parameters are alike the other one 115200 bps 8N1. I couldn't confirm the DCE RX-pin. There is one with suitable electrical characteristics, but it looks like the box doesn't offer any input capabilities, not at least with default configuration. 2ff7e9595c